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Hall of Honor Inductee

Joan Wernick


KGNU, Flexigrass

From referencing a Power Pickin' archived article.

The article continues with a profile on Joan’s many accomplishments and her devoted and varied involvement in bluegrass music.There’re kudos for her long-time role with community radio station KGNU, including as host of the hugely popular Old Grass, GNU Grass program.

The article also describes her impressive performance credentials, as lead vocalist in Pete Wernick & FLEXIGRASS; singer and guitarist in the Pete & Joan Wernick (Dr. & Nurse Banjo) duo; and her membership in the County Cooking band in the 1970’s. And Joan’s role in bluegrass is not merely earthbound, either! The article sites an impressive accomplishment: having her vocal recording of Big Rock in the Roadplayed on the planet Mars in 2004, to wake up the Space Rover! Suter says, Now that’s really spreading the spirit and sound of bluegrass!

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